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  • Consensus Definition
    Faith refers to confidence or trust in a set of religious principles or beliefs, including beliefs about the divine and beliefs that may not be based on proof.


  • External References
    Wikipedia: Faith


Faith-based organization
  • Consensus Definition
    Includes places of worship and nonprofit organizations, which have a long tradition of helping people in need and are an integral part of the social service network.



Practice-based organization
  • Consensus Definition
    Traditions that do not include elements of faith or doctrine, but share a commitment to cultivating certain practices, such as meditation.


  • Consensus Definition
    This focus on self-directed treatment is the third distinquishing feature of the recovery model. Treatment professionals act as coaches helping to design a rehabilitation plan which supports the patients' efforts to achieve a series of functional goals. Their relationship often focuses on motivating and focusing the patient's own efforts to help themselves. What is important, particularly during the initial stages of interaction is that professionals afford dignity and respect to those in their care.



  • Consensus Definition
    A religion is an organization that is guided by a codified set of beliefs and practices held by a community, whose members adhere to a worldview of the holy and sacred that is supported by religious rituals.


  • External References
    Wikipedia: Religion


Religious Professional
  • Consensus Definition
    A religious professional is a person who is recognized by a faith tradition (or practice tradition) as a spiritual leader/teacher and is authorized by that community to conduct religious rituals. The preparation and rites of passage required to become a religious professional vary widely. The term does not apply to lay people who are followers of the tradition. Some examples include elders, pastors, imans, shamans, rabbis, gurus, ministers, priests, nuns, monks, or spiritual teachers.

  • External References
    Wikipedia: Religious profession


  • Consensus Definition
    Spirituality is a person’s deepest sense of belonging and connection to a higher power or life philosophy which may not necessarily be related to an organized church or religious institution.

  • External References
    Wikipedia: Spirituality

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