Spiritual Emergency
Spiritual crises can be mistaken for psychiatric disorders, and this can lead to tragically unnecessary hospitalizations and stunting of the growth potential of such experiences. These resources are both a guide for clinicians working with spiritual crises and a self-help resource for persons integrating a spiritual emergency.
Visionary Experience or Psychosis? with John Perry
Dr. Perry opened a residential treatment center for first break psychotic patients. Here he discusses alternative treatments for psychosis.
Spiritual Crisis with Christina Grof
This interview with the co-author of the concept of spiritual emergency and co-founder of the Spiritual Emergency Network covers the nature of spiritual crises, including her own.
The Relationship Between Schizophrenia & Mysticism: A Bibliographic Essay
How Non-Diagnostic Listening Led to a Rapid "Recovery" from Paranoid Schizophrenia
Dr. Al Siebert accepted the client's view that God had talked to her and the client's psychotic disorder healed.
DSM-IV Religious & Spiritual Problem
An online course that covers several varieties of spiritual crises